Wednesday, December 2, 2020

A Blue Water Tab


Today on December 1, my son Joshua joined the Korean army. He will be quarantined for 14 days for COVID-19 precaution. Then he will be in the khaki cocoon for 18 months. He will undergo many ups and downs. But this is for a better-flight of his life.

I was discharged from the Korean army 27 years ago. I came to India in the same year. India was hot. I was drenched with sweat arriving at a lodging place. I rushed for a shower and turned on a blue tab. The water was too hot. I thought India had a different system. So, I turned on a red tab. At this time I got boiled water. Delhi summer was boiling hot, its winter freezing cold. I was put in an extreme cocoon. But this transformed me for a better-flight in India.

We have been in the COVID-19 cocoon throughout this year. We don’t know when we will reach its end. But in God, all our ups and downs work for one flight—a better-flight.


  1. "...But in God, all our ups and downs work for one fly—a better-fly." what a beautiful view of your situation in God...thank you for sharing.



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