Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Chew It Slow and Steady


Many helped me complete the M.A, M.Phil and Ph.D programmes in J.N.U. Eventually, it was time to return to South Korea. But I still had the debt of love to pay back to India. One day I got a call for a job interview from Oracle, the Information Technology giant. Thirteen foreigners including me came for the interview. Only one of us would be selected for its global finance operation. My majors were philosophy, history and international studies. I had nothing to do with information technology and finance. But to everyone’s surprise, I was selected. I moved down from New Delhi to Bengaluru in 2004. The office work was too much to chew. Sometimes I worked at the office 100 hours a week without food or sleep. I was scared that I might die too early. Then I self-studied software programming. In two months, I developed software which completed 100 hours of work in 10 minutes with a click of a button. Since then the company let me work only on the team process automation. This helped my team go for chai and pakora three times a day. 

In life, something may be too hard to chew. We then have two choices: We can either spit it out or chew it slow and steady. Nowadays we are facing an unprecedented crisis. We can neither spit it out nor swallow it up. However, we can chew it slow and steady. Who knows we may discover our new potentials? God be with you!

1 comment:

  1. This line truly inspires me, we really need to have patience and dedication in our life sir.



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